The running analysis
to improve
running style
and problem diagnosis

Running is healthy and keeps you fit – whether it’s a road marathon, mountain runs or cross-country running. Only if you have the right running technique and dynamic joint stabilisation, however. Recognising the weak points on one's own body is difficult. Even when it comes to injuries and pain, the actual causes are rarely obvious. That's why we take our time in the running analysis and take a close look at posture and movements, from the feet to knees and pelvis, to head posture and arm swing.


Running problems

Running can cause different complaints. Especially with incorrect technique or unstable joints, the following problems can occur:

- Backache

- Groin pain

- Runner's knee

- Shin splints

- Patellar tip syndrome

- Achilles tendon pain

- Heel spur


Running problems

Running can cause different complaints. Especially with incorrect technique or unstable joints, the following problems can occur:

- Backache

- Groin pain

- Runner's knee

- Shin splints

- Patellar tip syndrome

- Achilles tendon pain

- Heel spur

Modules of 3D Running Analysis

Just like with gait analysis, we also offer different modules for running analysis. Due to different questions and issues, a running analysis can provide a wide range of conclusions for movement optimisation.

Module Running Technical & Running Shoe Analysis

The technique and running shoe analysis combines spatial and temporal parameters and provides a wealth of valuable information regarding stride length, stride width or the relationship between the standing and swing phase. Furthermore, the pressure distribution of the foot, the rolling and impression behaviour as well as load peaks are analysed. The joint and segment angle with regard to upper body, pelvis, thigh, lower leg and foot are also subjected to detailed diagnostics. Insights into individual running technique, position of the leg axes, pelvic and upper body stability, possible asymmetries and suitability of the running shoe can therefore be gained. In addition, mobility deficits that prevent optimal running technique can be determined. This is the only way to make valid recommendations for the choice of running shoes as well as with regard to strength, coordination and technique and to document training success.

  • Treadmill   
  • Pedobarography
  • IMU sensors (3D)
  • Video documentation

Runners of all levels – from beginners to professionals. Barefoot running as well as running with a particular shoe.

Module Running Muscular Activity (EMG)

The analysis of pain and its cause is the core task of this module. In addition to a wealth of information from the technique and running shoe analysis module, we investigate the muscular activation of selected muscles of the lower limbs: gluteus medius, hamstrings, vastus medialis/lateralis, gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior and peroneus longus. This diagnosis allows conclusions to be drawn as to whether muscular control is generally possible, in the right order and at the right time (intermuscular coordination). Muscular imbalances are identified, as well as special matters such as muscular activation patterns. Here, too, training success is documented.

  • Treadmill
  • Pedobarography
  • IMU sensors (3D)
  • EMG sensors
  • Video Documentation

Runners of all levels – from beginners to professionals. Barefoot running as well as running with a selected shoe.

*Compulsory fields